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The right use of Psilocybin for spiritual therapy

Psilocybin and other Sacred plants have been used for spiritual growth use since ancient times.

Sacred plants are a portal to our consciousness. Their use is to create an artificial state similar to awakening, to bring the seeker to a state of no-mind. For a true spiritual seeker, it is the gateway to then seek this state by natural methods of meditation to not depend on substances.

The correct use of psilocybin in spiritual therapy.

Nowadays, most minds have been contaminated with a lot of false information and conditioning creating emotional blockages, repression and consequently, unconsciousness. .

Psilocybin is a device that can help dissolve the walls and barriers created by the Ego in order to connect with the seeker in a direct and natural way, without the filters of the mind. In this way it creates an artificial no-mind situation and thus provides an experience. However, if the necessary tools and understanding are not provided, it can become an attachment that creates dependency, a fact that can be very counterproductive.

The effects of psilocybin on your being

Psilocybin when used in therapy and for a sustained time in a controlled manner provides at the physiological level an improvement of emotional and cerebral plasticity.

The effects of psilocybin induce a state of meditation, of no-mind. This means that it reduces the flow of compulsive thinking creating a state of grace, peace, love and serenity.

The senses are also expanded by psilocybin, increasing sensitivity and connection with the self. In this way, it gives the taker a state in which cooperation, receptivity and openness are incredibly enhanced.
Psilocybin helps to align and harmonize our most essential centers: physical body, emotional mind and spirit. Normally in most people, there is a great distortion in the harmony of these centers. This creates a feeling of disconnection, inanity and negative emptiness.

Psilocybin connects you to the present moment, in the now. In this way, it provides those who take it with meditative moments of harmony, serenity and self-expression. It creates an ideal situation for meditation, arts or therapy. .

Psilocybin and other sacred plants: The beginning but not the end.

In modern society, high vibrational spiritual spaces are becoming increasingly scarce and rare. In ancient times, in some temples and spiritual places a vibration was achieved that induced its visitors to a state of grace and serenity such as those provided by psilocybin.

Psilocybin, a fast medicine for frenetic and spiritually deprived times.

In ancient times temples were places of religious gathering and healing. The chanting, ceremonies, silence and members created a religious aura and vibration. These temples were the "hospitals" of ancient times.

Today the scenario has completely changed, these temples are becoming increasingly scarce, the increase in population, tourism and progress in general have ended up destroying virtually all of them.

Today, human beings live in an environment of sensory over stimulation, technology has invaded all the spaces of our lives, filling the space with other frequencies harmful to our vibrational body. The religiosity that existed in ancient times has been lost and degenerating, leaving very few places in the world where it can be truly tasted and experimented.

Sacred plants, when used in a suitable space and environment, transport you to a religious, non-mindful and devotional state. It is a very effective way to return to our innocence for a few moments. In this way, they remind you of who you really are and give you eyes to truly appreciate the beauty of life, a truth that the educational system and society's harmful environment has made you forget.

The imbalance that progress and modern society has created in our lives eventually requires the use of sacred plants as the most direct and effective means to reconnect us with our essential being and the forgotten spiritual dimension that exists in all of existence.

Awareness, essential for a transformative effect in the use of psilocybin.

Guidance and transmission of understanding is essential to provide balance for sustained effectiveness of psilocybin and other sacred plants.

Religiousness in your life as a basis for transformation.

Something has gone wrong in society, on the road to progress and technology, the spiritual vision of life has been lost.

Authentic love is increasingly scarce, practically no one has been truly loved, the system is not interested in people developing freely. It only wants human beings to be useful and effective pieces to maintain the status quo. Everything essential in this life has lost its essence, becoming something completely superficial, hollow and empty.

That is why, having an experience with sacred plants without further guidance and transmission of how to return to a more spiritual, holistic and profound vision of life, is futile.

Without consciousness and awareness, your steps will be blind, the plants will stir things up in you, that is true, however, you will not have the necessary tools to move consciously.

In my journey, I have seen countless times many people who, after taking sacred plants, have become addicted to them. They have given up their lives and moved from one extreme, materialism to another extreme, "so called spirituality". Bewildered, the experiences with the sacred plants have led them into great confusion, in some cases, further damaging their lives instead of helping them to be happier.

The process of inner growth, of grace, is a process of inner purification which can be helpful and beneficial if sacred plants are used, but totally detrimental if an understanding of how to bring that experience into your life is not transmitted.

In spiritual growth there are no shortcuts, all real growth is always progressive. Sacred plants are not the solution, they will not solve anything if you do not have the necessary tools, courage and right understanding.

“The attraction to sacred plants is the indication of a spiritual search. Plants can be a door but never the path or the destination”


Awareness and true meditation: The most sacred medicines.

Sacred plants can be helpful for a closed mind that is overloaded with useless information and conditionings. However, without mindfulness and awareness, your growth is bound to fail.

The most fundamental essence for balanced growth is the understanding of your inner processes, of having clarity and a pure heart and mind. Growth is a sustained process, so that you can mature and expand your consciousness you must work on your alertness and awareness in a meditative state 24 hours a day.

Meditation techniques are a type of natural medicine to reach these states of consciousness, which can be provided "easily and cheaply" by sacred plants, such as psilocybin. However, since you cannot be consuming them every day, it is recommended for a healthy life that you move to increase your understanding of things, acquire wisdom and take responsibility for your life.

Many internally immature people have found a false salvation in sacred plants, abusing them and becoming dependent on them. Instead of connecting them more to reality, their abuse has led them to disconnect from earthly life into a fantasy, a bubble created to escape reality and take responsibility for their lives.

No matter how many times you take sacred plants, if you don't learn to disidentify with the mind, if you don't observe the Ego, your life will continue to be just as miserable, you will continue in a dream state. You will simply begin to change the periphery, the superficial, but the essence of your being, your consciousness will remain inaccessible, the Ego will have taken another form and with it you will remain self-deceived.

The mind is very cunning, sacred plants can give you the feeling that "you are more spiritual" however you will be allowing the mind to deceive you again, now dressed in "spirituality". Be alert...

False Shamans: Making sacred plants a business.

The use of sacred plants "has become trendy", now anyone who facilitates their use is called "Shaman". A true Shaman is a spiritual guider from a primal tradition. Don't be fooled by those "so-called shamans".

Imagine that instead of being initiated on the path of awakening, you are being initiated as a warrior and that martial artists are extremely rare beings. Unless you find one who can teach you everything he learned to become a capable warrior, you should gain your wisdom through experience, fighting many battles and in case you survive and master your own fighting style.

A spiritual master is a practically essential figure, even more so today because in ancient times and in some countries, people who sought enlightenment were revered and helped. Especially in the East, there were temples where the seekers of truth could take refuge, the culture gave them some support and respect.

At present, this does not happen and less so in the West, at a time when everything is fast, frenetic and superficial.

The first thing to understand is, what is a shaman? An unconscious mind tends to just by seeing that word it already recognizes and believes that content is true, it is a big mistake. Don't be fooled by words, they will lead you into confusion. If you understand and "have eyes to see" then you will be able to identify a true shaman and spiritual guide from a mere facilitator of sacred plants.

A true shaman is someone capable of transmitting your wisdom to you, he is someone who has achieved awakening through the path of nature, understanding and contemplation of it. He is someone able to see beyond appearances to look into your soul and thus know what you need to experience and hear. He is a spiritual healer, he is medicine, sacred plants are not essential for a shaman to heal you, he will do it in a very subtle way.

Do not be fooled by appearances, whether they come from the Amazon or Peru, a true shaman is someone who, in addition to being able to give you medicine, transmits wisdom and awareness. Those who only give you sacred medicines are facilitators, nothing more.

Final words:

In an unconscious society going through turbulent times, shamanism "has become fashionable" and many are taking advantage of it. Don't be fooled like others, choose well, consciously.

I say again to you, sacred plants are not the solution. In the right context they can be helpful, but by themselves they are not the solution to your misery, your lack of awareness and alertness.

If you really want to connect with the truth that is within you, capable of giving you the necessary vision to perceive the external reality, you will have to work hard on yourself. There is no quick and easy solution, it is a way of life.

Sacred plants have become popular because civilization has lost its vision of the spiritual, the understanding of reality has been further distorted by a lifestyle that has broken us inside.

There have been many people who have lost themselves due to the use of sacred plants in an unconscious and irresponsible way. The increase in the popularity of sacred plants is an indication of how much society in general has degenerated, seeking to solve problems quickly, paying a few euros in exchange for an experience that will not transform you and perhaps will only confuse you more.

The human being today has been conditioned to get everything easy and fast: fast food at home, fast "love and sex", fast and cheap knowledge... that is why the use of sacred plants plants has been perverted in the same way form.

If you carry out an experience of sacred plants very poorly you will experience beautiful moments, simply keep in mind that these moments are illusions generated by an external substance, forcing the chemistry of your body so that said vision and experience occur. It is the same as needing a machine to be able to breathe, it makes you dependent, it is not your own health.

Sacred plants without the correct guidance will make you believe that you have had a spiritual experience, being simply an alteration of your inner chemistry. The experience will not be yours, it will be false, artificial.

The use of sacred plants is not at all essential for spiritual growth, it can be helpful for someone who is not ready to grow, in this way a strong extrasensory experience can create an inner thirst and thus prepare that person so that he can be ready to learn.

Every spiritual path is a long and arduous process, awakening is the most difficult thing you can achieve in this life. Awakened beings throughout history have been very rare and scarce, completely dedicating their lives to it.

Do not believe that with one shot or hundreds of sacred plants a transformation will occur in you.

Only awareness, understanding, patience and work on yourself can help you make a transmutation happen to you.

If you really want to transform yourself, you must look for someone who has walked the true path and is capable of transmitting it to you. You must also be prepared to learn and give up everything you think you know. More than sacred plants, look for sacred beings, they are the only ones capable of helping you if you have not been able to do it yourself

Do you seek the truth?

Make it yours.