The Archons: The masters and the slavers of the simulation
The universe is a cosmic university for expansion of consciousness. The Archons are the guardians and at the same time the jailers of humanity. Its function, to oppress humanity and its expansion of consciousness while feeding on it.
Entities that exist beyond duality, time and space. This planet is a stage for the expansion of consciousness, the Archons are in charge of maintaining the program and stage. At the same time, human beings are their sustenance.
Archons: The Keepers of the Matrix.
In the ancestral texts of the Gnostics there are entities called "Archons", the rulers of reality. These Archons serve a superior entity close to a god called "Demiurge".
The Demiurge is the creator of reality, a reality that science has now theorized could be a simulation.
According to ancient texts, there are seven Archons, one for each planet in our solar system.
The Archons "have bodies that are both female and male, and faces that are the faces of beasts." Therefore, they are neither truly male nor female, neither human nor animal. The ancients found this kind of boundary crossing deeply threatening, and this description of the Archons implied that they were forces of chaos, so "mixed" as to be "the farthest a created being can be from God."
There are other similar versions of Archons in multiple cultures, Djinn are considered to be two-dimensional, with the ability to live and operate in both the manifest and invisible realms.
In this article I will make an exposition of different entities with similar traits in order to convey my feeling that the mystics of other eras were aware of the existence of "extra dimensional" entities which fed on humanity as well as being their jailers.
I do not have any proof that can confirm with absolute certainty what I will now explain, however, my essential being, my soul, tells me that these entities exist. I do not know what they are, all knowledge to reveal their details is abstract, besides, the ancient texts in which they speak of them, do it from the minds of people who lived thousands of years ago, their way of describing the Archons, the Djinn, the Demiurge and other gods lack scientific elements, they are rather poetic because in those times science as such had not evolved as it is in the present times.
Just take it as if you were reading a story, stay in a state of "maybe", neither believing what I say as a certainty nor believing that it is impossible. Just be open to the possibility, don't fixate on the details, try to absorb the deep, non-apparent message of it all.
Existence is an environment where consciousness can expands itself. The Supreme consciousness, God, is like a "cosmic computer". All beings have been formed and projected the energy of The Source. The Archons are entities that play a role in all this existential simulation.
On the other hand, there are beings who have apparently failed in the outer world and instead are rich in their inner world. Their thoughts are selfless, honest and generous, no matter how great their suffering is because their inner vision, virtue and strength are untouchable by whatever happens in the outer world.
Dear reader, I ask you not to put your mind to what you are about to read below. Notice that your mind will be constantly analyzing to reach conclusions, to agree or disagree.
Existence: A simulated reality for consciousness to expand itself.
Just like on a micro scale, like a computer that plays with and against itself in a game. This reality is an existential "game" in which the Cosmic Mind is the only player, fragmented into infinite "characters".
What you call reality is a cosmic simulation.
This reality in its most essential expression is light, vibration and energy. The projection and sensation of the 3D environment perceived and interpreted by our brain is just that, an interpretation. What appears to the senses as solid, in reality is only energy in motion, vibrating.
The human perception of what is real or not, of what exists and what does not exist, is being created as the human being has more sophisticated means at his disposal.
In ancient times, cosmic elements, acupuncture points and many other discoveries were discovered without the need for sophisticated devices. The expanded consciousness of some human beings was enough to penetrate reality deeper and deeper.
Like a computer program that tries to simulate our "reality", it is formed, created in relation to the attention and power of perception of the observer.
That is to say, what we conceive as reality will expand as we have the means to observe it. This is infinite, the limit is set by those who are observing it.
However, the truth, whenever it tries to explain itself with words, will cease to be so, because for you they are only words, if your maturity is sufficient, perhaps you will be able to absorb its meaning and achieve a transformation in you.
The ancient enlightened masters spoke of reality being a "Maya", illusion and of the detachment one should have from it.
To understand the truth intellectually is completely impossible, for intellectually it can only become a belief, information that you have obtained from another person or source, not from your own experience, therefore, it is not true.
However, I have no other means of communicating with you, so I will have faith that these words can bridge the gap between us.
The cosmos is like a great existential game, you are an entity, a fragment of the great Supreme Consciousness or The Source.
Your consciousness lives eternally, incarnating over and over again, the higher your level of consciousness, the more realities it is "jumping" to in an "endless game".
This planet is not the only place where your consciousness can exist, however, if you do not "learn the lesson", if you do not awaken, you will continuously incarnate in new characters, here and there on planet earth.
Enlightenment is the culmination of consciousness, the ancient enlightened masters speak about "absolute death", since their consciousness does not reincarnate again on this planet, but it does so in another unknown reality.
As your consciousness and vibration increases, it will find new spaces in which to manifest.
That is why most of your mundane concerns are complete nonsense from the vision of a mystic, because for a mystic, the only thing that really matters is to work to make the leap to the new reality or dimension.
You have lived countless lives on this planet, having children, a wife, a house, possessions...when the body-mind dies, all that will be left behind, the only thing you will take with you to the next life is the quality of consciousness you had at the time of death.
Beyond The Veil: A path of awakening in 21st Century
In this book you can find in a condensed way all the essential wisdom necessary for you to understand the nature of reality explained in a current and simplified concepts.
The truth cannot be taught but it can be caught.
Who and what are The Archons?
The Archons are neither good nor bad, they fulfill a function in this existence, their designs and purpose unknown..
Archons lack our human nature. They are emotionless beings with the purpose and function of maintaining a balance in this solar system.
Balance is the basis of this existence, it is expressed in all levels and layers of this simulation we call reality.
Beyond the ordinary capabilities of the human being, there are other higher and lower levels of vibration in which other types of entities exist.
The Archons are described in ancient texts as servants of the Demiurge, the creator of reality. These Archons exist beyond duality, impossible to define them as good and bad. What we can say is that they maintain a certain balance at the level of consciousness.
What is stated here about the Archons is a hypothesis, since no one has absolute facts that prove their existence.
The explanation that the Gnostics made of the Archons is extremely similar to the Kabbalistic version of the Djinn. Beings capable of existing in both the apparently material and spiritual planes, pure energy. Djinn live in a parallel universe/dimension, which gives them the ability to see in our dimension while being invisible to the human eye. Djinn are considered dual, with the ability to live and operate in both the manifest and invisible realms. Djinn are considered part of al-ghaib, or the invisible. As invisible entities with abstract definitions, belief in them manifests differently among communities and individuals. For example, while some Islamic scholars agree that djinn are capable of possession, others do not. However, both in the past and in the present, it is not difficult to find stories of people possessed by Djinn.
Both the Djinn and the Archons are different attempts to explain the unexplainable from the angle of different cultures.
Are the archons the guardians of balance in the simulation?
It is evident that humanity has been intervened throughout known history. The ancient "Gods" introduced technology, religion, writing and, at the same time, slavery. Are the archons truly neutral?
Looking at the Sumerian tablets in which some of the first god-kings ruled for 26,000 years, the first dynasties of pharaohs of ancient Egypt also reigned for thousands of years. And so on and so forth in different cultures and mythologies, there are intimate connections which it would be stupid to attribute to mere coincidence.
My intuition tells me that they are all the same entities acting directly in human evolution, this intervention has been becoming more subtle and in the shadows as the continuum goes on.
The tension and relaxation are necessary for growth, in this case, the Archons, play a negative role that indirectly contributes to humanity to wake up, because these entities have acted since the origins of human beings in their development and at the same time, in their slavery.
It is beyond the ordinary capabilities of the human being to demonstrate that these entities exist, however, although our mind is incapable of defining them, our coexistence with them is not enough to prove their existence.
When a human being uses the imagination, it connects with The source, depending on the level of consciousness and vibration, our imagination, which is a bridge between the higher and lower self, it is possible to tear The Veil of what is ordinarily perceptible from what is not, of the visible from the invisible.
Some mystics refer to this access to higher knowledge as "the Ahakshic Records", a space that connects with The Source, where all the knowledge of the universe is accessible there.
It seems that there is something deeply rooted in all of humanity that indicates that these entities have existed and been part of our history and development.
In ancient times they were called "gods", "demons", now they could be called "aliens". Without a doubt, as the context in which we live changes, so does our interpretation of something that is beyond the mind, only accessible by the "super mind".
When the human being uses the imagination without the limitations of what is possible from the impossible, sometimes they are able to tear apart the truth. True reality far outweighs fiction, since fiction is made up of fragments of truth.
The Demiurge, the creator of reality.
A human being who is trapped in the mind, who is "too much in his head," is mostly disconnected from the rest of his senses. The mind, the intellect, has become the dictator, leaving the rest of the senses in an inferior position, preventing them from expressing themselves freely.
There are many references that name Demiurge as the creator of man and the material world. His intention is to limit the knowledge (gnosis) of the human being through its deprivation and distortion. The Demiurge is mentioned by different names: Yaltabaoth (dhild of chaos), the second is Saklas (fool) and the third, Samael (God of the Blind).
In all the descriptions of the Demiurge, the role of architect of material reality and deceiver of the human being is attributed to him. He is an entity with the clear intention of exploiting the human being and keeping him deluded, in a dream state, blind. In fact the name Samael, The God of the Blind, speaks for itself.
Trying to conceive a more exact definition of the nature of the Demiurge is beyond human capacity, it could be a cosmic entity, or even a super artificial intelligence from previous Eons.
In the movie "Matrix", a "super program" called The Architect appears. This fictitious entity from the movie greatly coincides with the role and description of the Demiurge. There is even a certain irony, because this reality has been directed towards a technological expression of the human being, in which each time humanity has been directed to behave like robots, efficient, logical and stupid. A programming in the consciousness of man that has been developing for thousands of years.
The version of the story that we know is just that, a version that we have been told. The Earth as such is 4500 billion years old, what we know of our theoretical history is only a tiny fraction of what has happened on the planet.
The most ancient cultures, such as Mesopotamia, ancient India, ancient China, speak in their mythology of wars between gods, explosions similar to atomic bombs and the existence of other humanities which possessed abilities similar to the superheroes of the comics. .
The intention of these words is not that you believe them, it is rather an invitation for you to expand your mind and not believe what the system has implanted in your mind.
Final words:
Don't believe anything you've been taught at the school. Humanity has lived since ancient times deceived by a veil of lies. The version they have given you only limits you and makes you believe that you are someone insignificant. It is not like that, you are a God who believes to be a being out of the monkey.
Your mind has been trained to limit access to your consciousness instead of expanding it. To reduce your vision instead of increasing it. You have been forced to believe a completely perverted, altered and distorted version of reality and history. This indoctrination has made you a good slave, docile and unaware of its potential. They have made your own mind the invisible jailer.
If instead of this subversive education, they had taught you how to use your mind to its full potential, how to use the energetic and extrasensory capacities that exist latent in you, you would be more like a superhero from comics than being insignificant. you have been led to believe that you are.
They have implanted patterns in your mind to mistrust, to only believe the "official" version of things, to identify you with the Ego and so on. The system, without a doubt, has focused its efforts to make you a useful piece, not to give you freedom.
The process of awakening consciousness takes you to the deepest layers of your being, to reach them you will have to dissolve and transcend all the conditioning and programs that society has placed on your body-mind.
Part of society is inside your mind, because it has been hacked to work against you, not to help you grow or access the truth.
It is a painful process, because you must learn to feel comfortable in solitude, the greater your depth, the more difficult it will be for you to find other beings with whom to share it.
The nature of The Archons is not something we can know nor is it important to you at this time. It is simply a way to get your attention and share with you another version of reality, which seems impossible but it is not.
What really is your responsibility is to achieve the awakening of your being, everything you do in this life will mark the beginning of the next, everything material that you accumulate will stop making sense at the moment of your death. Only consciousness, because you really are just that, will be what reincarnates in another body. Wherever you are at your death will be the new starting point. If you have an unconscious life, you will have a new unconscious birth. Consciousness is the only thing that matters from an existential life point of view. If these words manage to touch you, search, ask yourself, do not take anything for granted. Become a seeker of truth, that is the destiny that every human being will have at the right time, because there is no other purpose on this planet, but to wake up from the dream in which humanity is plunged.