The Great Secret: Source of all powers.
True happiness is hidden within you, your mind that filters everything, separates you from reality. Transcend the fears of the mind and write your own story.
Understanding the nature of the mind, the first step to transcend it
Life is the greatest gift you could ever receive, you got it without any effort. You have been given a wonderful and powerful instrument called "mind", yet no one has taught you how to use it instead of being used by it.
The situation is quite the opposite as the whole educational system has been built to make you accept a concrete reality inside and outside of you.
The first thing to be understood is that the mind and its "inner voice" is not you. The mind is the invisible expression (software) of the brain (hardware). Like a complex artificial intelligence (AI), your mind is a mechanism created to protect you from the world as well as being a connection between your etheric and physical body.
Illness occurs when you are not aware of yourself, when you are so identified with the mind that you believe you are it. So living in a state of unhappiness is predictable, because this mind that goes with you has been conditioned to behave in a certain way. Not to serve you, but to serve the system so that you fit into it without making much noise.
The awakening process is a process of reconfiguring your mind to serve you in the way you need. To do this you must understand at a symbolic and essential level the psyche that your mind has.
Imagine that the mind is an entity attached to you, however, this does not obey you, in fact, the mind is composed of multiple personalities each one fed by a hidden desire. Right now, the mind and its desires are controlling your life, the mind is your inner dictator. What blocks you, closes you and prevents you from flourishing.
The awakening process involves a re-education of the 5 basic properties of the mind:
1. Right Center: Right knowledge
2. Wrong Center: Wrong Knowledge
3. Imagination: Faculty to project
4. Dream: Our level of alertness
5. Memory: Attachment to the information stored in the mind.
Experiencing a real disidentification with the mind is the next step in order to start on the path to awakening.
Your Mind plays against you, it will normally be closed to any possibility of change and transformation, because the mind fears change. The purpose of the mind is to protect you, as if it were a jealous mother. Real maturity consists in conquering the mind through awereness and understanding. The first stages consist in dissolving the blockages in your body-mind by observing them.
Life is a mysterious river in which wonders constantly occur. If you are not aware of your own being and live identified with the mind, you will be destined to stagnate, because the mind flees from the new.
The living being in which you are living this experience called life is composed of two main centers.
1. Heart: Emotional vital center.
2. Mind: Center of thought and processes.
You have been taught to "think about life", to live in a logical way, analyzing and concluding with what "is possible and what is not". You have been educated to use your mind and its logic as a filter to survive in this civilization.
The heart, on the other hand, is a center connected with the irrational, with mystery, creativity and love. The heart does not need reasons to act, because the heart listens to the music of the "invisible".
You can achieve mastery of your mind in two main ways:
1. The path of meditation: Observing, understanding, ignoring your mind to the point that it stops completely and only responds when required.
On this path, imagination is an obstacle.
2. The path of love: In which you move from trusting the mind to trusting your intuition and hunches. Love is the main fuel to face the fears and prejudices of the mind.
In this path, imagination is used as the main tool.
Depending on whether you are of a more mental or emotional type, it will be easier or harder for you to develop on your chosen path of awakening.
Regain your truth
Go beyond your personality rediscover yourself completely.
Discover and accept without restrictions all the aspects and talents of your being.
The system has educated you to suppress yourself, compare yourself and compete with others. In order to live in harmony with yourself and the rest of existence, you must destroy this "domestication" to which it has been subjected.
To begin with, eliminate all prefixed ideas of yourself and explore fields that are not even normally your "predilection".
The mind creates an image of itself, that image is the Ego, your shadow. That concrete and fixed image of you prevents you from experimenting and nurturing new things, it makes you remain frozen in time.
That is why it is important to allow yourself new experiences even if some of them sound crazy and meaningless. In these processes you will discover new unknown things in you.
Remember also that the mind projects into the outside world and others all the negative that is in it. If the inner voice of the mind begins to make judgments, be alert, ignore them, and learn to have fun in any situation possible.
Art is a vital expression channel for human creativity. Without thinking about being successful or not, or if "it's useful" or not, art is therapeutic and necessary to express and share our inner world with others.
Art should be an essential component of the life of all human beings, so give yourself a chance again and with the sole intention of enjoying yourself, open yourself up to experience new things, recover the motivation and wonder of when you were a child, that ability to look at the world with innocence and wonder.
The mind is a labyrinth without beginning or end, trying to solve it is a guaranteed failure,
As you observe and understand your own mind, you will move deeper and deeper into the subconscious bringing more awareness and freedom.
The mind will incessantly create new desires and goals to pursue. All this to separate you from your most direct reality in the here and now. Listening and being carried away by the mind is a journey full of misery and greed. Well, the mind is logical, it does not understand sharing without expecting anything in return, giving for the simple joy of giving, without making a business out of it.
That is why meditation is an essential medicine to daily cleanse your mind of accumulated noise. It will help you stay centered and more in touch with reality.
Remember that the mind is a mechanism that will even try to protect you from the truth, self-deception being one of the greatest diseases of humanity.
You cannot cure what is not first recognized as a disease. Unless you are at a stage where you are completely fed up with your own mind and reap the misery it sows, you will hardly be able to transcend it.
The mind will find a thousand and one ways to persuade you so that you can put your will back under its direction.
The state of witnessing is one in which the mind is observed impersonally and with detachment. In this same observation exercise one can become aware of their processes and patterns rooted in the subconscious.
The mind is "Pandora's Box", if the mind works for you, it is a wonderful instrument to create and manifest ideas on the material plane. If, on the other hand, you are used by the mind, you will have a feeling of nonsense, disconnection, emptiness and anxiety.
The true spiritual path is individual and unique. Understanding the workings of the mind and emotions will be vital for you to create your own story.
All my teachings and therapies are focused on one point, showing you the tools to be free and responsible for your own freedom. For this it is necessary that you first be freed from your own mind, dethrone it and take over your own life.
This system has domesticated us to be slaves and dependents, nowhere to be materially, mentally or spiritually free.
Freedom requires courage and responsibility, when we are still fragile in our awakening, a guide who supports and fully accepts you can be of great help.
Avoid any guide or spiritual coach that tries to implant dogmas or beliefs in you, remember that spirituality is the way to return to our innocence and enjoy life with freedom, authenticity and creativity.
It depends on you what to believe or not, my advice is not to believe in anything and be open to any possibility. Never give anything as absolute, be open to the mystery.
If you are someone that the word "God" resonates with you, then the path of the heart and devotion could be yours. If, on the other hand, you are the type that does not believe in any god or creator, the path of meditation will be more appropriate.
On the path of awakening you must always be alert to the mind and its subtle methods of persuasion and deception.
Your mind is vague and capricious, plus it has been conditioned to get everything easily and effortlessly. In this society where everything is apparently within the reach of a "click", our minds have been habituated to avoid effort, discomfort and pain.
It is important to understand that your mind works in absolute and extreme states, from zero to one. With the corresponding training of your mind you can educate it to move the energy from one polarity to the other, then having the mind in favor of the new crystallized polarity.
For example, a person who has an unhealthy diet, lots of sugar and no sport or activity. At first, great willpower will be needed to move the mind from an attitude of inactivity to one of activity and healthy eating. At first the mind will generate resistance, however, if you persist long enough, the mind will eventually stick to the healthy and more active life.
So, if you are aware that the mind is something connected to you, then you will find a way for it to cooperate with you.
The mind always lives in the past or the future, never in the present, in fact the mind is the one who postpones everything in your life.
The mind communicates with you through images, sensations and words. When someone offers you to do an activity and you say "I'll think about it", you're getting caught up in your mind.
The path that I propose to you is to eliminate the obsession that you have in thinking about everything and in acting more instinctively. Without valuing errors or achievements, understanding everything as a process of learning and exploring oneself. To allow yourself to flow more with life, you must learn how to ignore the compulsive reasoning of analyzing and evaluating everything. Trust more in your own experience, taking into account that each moment of this life is unique and unrepeatable, you will not know the secret it holds until you experience it for yourself. The mind always projects and gives you a false illusion of believing you know, trust in life and its mystery.
The Great Secret:
How to enjoy and share a life in balance and harmony.
If you don't first achieve your own freedom you will never be able to love and respect the freedom in others. The same happens with your own happiness, you should be selfish with your own life, let the opinions of others influence your life. It is your responsibility to live as you feel you should, the most important thing to truly stay alive is to remain open to the experiences and opportunities that life puts within your reach.
Keeping yourself in balance and inner peace occurs when you discover who you truly are, then you no longer need to pretend to be someone, it's just you, without any established pattern, you respond to life spontaneously.
Being aware of your mind-body and its processes will be vital to be able to flow smoothly with your inner and outer world.
At first it will be difficult for you, because this society is full of madness and greed, in most cases, succeeding in society means failing in our inner truth.
You must remain in your center and keep your conscience and emotions clean of the "noise" that is in sleeping people.
Also, be very alert not to fall into ideals, as the mind will subtly try to trap you in its prison of ideas.
The state of complete awakening and complete innocence is reached when the mind is completely silent, perceiving reality with perfect clarity, without opinions or analysis.
To reach this state, you will have to work very hard and put your whole being into it. At first you will have the sensation of fighting against yourself, because you have been identified with thoughts for a long time.
Have courage and perseverance, sooner or later you will see that the mind is something connected to you, but not your truth. Then, after that Satori moment, it will be much easier for you to gather the necessary strength to become the master of your own life. Well, all these words will not be a simple belief, but an experience that will occur in your being. Then for you it will become true.
Final words:
The path to awakening involves embracing your being in all its layers. Only if you can accept and understand your essence you will be able to really enjoy this reality.
The complexity that civilization has taken on has also disconnected us from our true nature. We have been educated in that "we have to be someone", in competing and living under objectives and purposes. All this generating great anxiety and disagreement with who we really are. And without self-love, it is impossible to truly enjoy life, and even more impossible to give a love that we do not have.
Throughout my life experience and as a therapist, I have come across many different beings. All of them, blocked in their lives due to their way of perceiving reality, their minds do not allow them to see the wonderful life they have.
There is a way to live harmoniously and peacefully, for the mind it is death because it consists of stopping wishing and beginning to accept things as they are. Then everything becomes easier because from the exact point where you are, growth is possible. And remember, the day you stagnate, the day you freeze, the day you close yourself off from love and the gifts that life offers, in that moment you will seem alive but you will be dead.
Do you feel bored with your life? It's a good sign, that means you should start changing.
My method does not consist of you learning more things, quite the contrary, it consists of cleaning yourself of everything you think you know and allowing you to connect with your innocence as a child so that you can once again enjoy your life as the great gift that it is.