Shadow Work: Unveil your darkness
Nature knows no light and darkness for both parts are parts of it.
In the darkness is where your true nature lies dormant, for you have never been allowed to express it and therefore to know it.
That which you call your inner darkness is your own anarchic and natural essence.
A spiritual path to awakening that walks the paths of darkness guided by the torch of knowledge is for those who feel their most primal nature is unknown and unexplored.
The awakening of the being can only take place when the union of both polarities into one happens, with the transcendence of the duality of the mind. For this it is necessary to explore, observe and understand both parts of our being, both light and darkness, both creation and destruction. Only then can you become one.
Just as day and night are two polarities of the same thing, so are light and darkness for the human being. Good and evil do not really exist, they are a specific interpretation implanted by the system in the human mind.
If we look at nature, darkness is the night, where different creatures exist, darkness is where seeds die to become trees, darkness is the place where every child develops before going to the world of light.
Darkness is our most primal, instinctive and ancestral part of our being. This darkness is part of our inner truth, however, the conditioning and functioning of the system has forced us to ignore this part of us, because if we had a connection and acceptance with it, people would be impossible to control and dominate, we would live in more natural societies and communities, in an order born of chaos and not a chaos born of order as it happens today.
Shadow Work consists of taking a deep look at the darkest layers of your being in order to accept and understand them. Only what is known, accepted and understood can be transcended.
In the darkness every seed is born, you have come from it but society has made you deny it.
All we deny in ourselves—whatever we perceive as inferior, evil, or unacceptable—become part of the shadow.
What you call "the darkness" is a part of you that has been denied. This modern society that is sustained by a false order composed of hypnotized human beings unaware of your own power and nature, does not allow you to discover and savor your own nature and truth.
All that repressed and contained energy accumulates within you, seeking other much more subtle and unnatural currents.
Repression is the basic tool of control that the system imparts in society. Your being does not follow a natural order of expression, because there are many patterns that have been implanted in you to make you behave obediently in a specific way.
Shadow Work consists of taking a journey within to understand and accept your nature. To remove any conditioning that prevents you from being yourself.
There is no right and wrong in nature, nature knows no morality. There is a way to express your nature in a pure way, that is your right way. A way that does not have to be useful to anyone else. Each being is unique, therefore, each being must live his own truth and experience.
You have been convinced that being free is "bad" through endless subliminal conditioning. In this way you have been kept asleep, accepting only a tiny part of your being, a part that is not true.
Through shadow work, you will discover to accept yourself, for this you will have to be brave because your conditioned mind will resist to accept this new reality of which it has been deprived for so long.
You have been forced to create a false mask of yourself and have become attached to it. Denying all your true nature.
The mask is the false personality that education, society and you have built. A subtle creation to hide your real truth, your real freedom, your true deepest feelings.
The mask, the Ego is something very small compared to what you really are. The problem is that we live in a crazy and sick society where everyone believes and identifies with their own masks.
The mask is made of lies and formalities, it is not real, and every time you interpret it in an attached way, you are killing yourself inside because your nature moves in opposite directions. Behind the mask we hide our truth, a truth that we cannot share with anyone because there are no healthy spaces where we can share it.
Behind the mask all our darkest desires and impulses are accumulated, deprived of being able to be expressed they become poison for us.
Our being is composed of energy that is expressed and perceived through the senses with thousands of colors. Our impulses and thoughts are currents of energy, if we repress them and keep them inside, this energy is corrupted.
It is essential to work to release, observe, understand and later, with practice, transmute in other ways.
Shadow work consists of going into the deepest parts of your nature.
Only by understanding the truth in its totality will you be able to transform yourself.
The education of almost every child in the civilization system is instructed to absorb and swallow information from the outside world. In the vast majority of cases, the observation, understanding and development of the inner world is ignored, because it has no immediate practical use.
However, our subconscious is the place where our most primal nature hides. And this is not expressed rationally or logically, but through a symbolic language composed of sensations.
Taking a journey into your inner self includes immersing yourself in the world of symbology, letting yourself be carried away by your most irrational part and thus, learning to really know yourself.
Art is the channel through which the human being and nature itself manifests the "unmanifested". To know yourself, you must find ways to connect your inner art and symbology with the outside world.
As creators, every human being has been bestowed with the gift of creation, life itself being the greatest work of art one can aspire to create.
Deep within you lies your truth, your genius and unique talents that existence has bestowed upon you.
To connect with your inner self is to connect with the invisible richness of the soul, there is the place you can call "home", the door to that wonderful place is hidden within you. Beyond the darkness of your inner self is the light of your truth. Find it and you will be free, let it flow and you will be truly you. It is a journey that must be born with a clear intention and determination, always accompanied by a loving and non-judgmental attitude, for each being is unique and unrepeatable. To be able to see the greatness of the world you must see it in yourself, only by accepting yourself in all your layers and forms, you will be able to understand yourself and advance on the path to awakening.
You have been conditioned to deny your innermost nature.
The freedom of being consists in awakening the dormant part in us so that it can flourish. Since childhood they have destroyed your inner voice, your truth to implant a series of behavioral patterns.
Since your childhood you have been conditioned to shut up and suppress your nature. In expressing yourself according to limiting rules and repressing your own body and sexuality. Your inner voice has lost strength, submerged in a multitude of voices: society, your parents, your friends, others, what is right and wrong...
The real process when you wake up is to connect with the darkness that is in you and give it a voice and love. It is a part that must be expressed without feeling guilty or taking into account if others will be offended. Your most essential nature is anarchic, it does not know good and bad, it communicates with you through primary impulses and desires.
Society has conditioned you to be your own enemy, and it is in that same dark and hidden nature within you that the key to your liberation lies.
Shadow work will help you to make friends with this dark nature that is in you, to understand it and to be able to guide it
True peace is found in the total acceptance of things.
A change must first happen in oneself, knowing and accepting own nature in totality.
The Hermetic law "as above so below so below so above" applies in all dimensions. Having been cut off from your own nature and truth, you also deny the truth in the outer world. In order for you to find peace in the outer world you must first find peace within, a process in which a synthesis of your light and dark, beyond mind in which the feminine and masculine become one, must occur.
The term "accept" should not be confused with "conform", as they are opposite concepts. To accept is to look at the truth beyond reasoning, it is to see things as they are and then be able to return them to their natural and healthy state.
Through the understanding and acceptance of your inner and outer reality, love will be produced within you, a love that will expand and blossom through you.
By becoming free of all attachments, you will know your inner truth and then you will find the way to flow in life by being yourself, constantly developing yourself, enriching yourself from life.
For this you must also have the courage to trust and listen to your intuition and what it is telling you and learn to use the mind without being in the mind.
The mind will always be fearful and anxious about the unknown, trapped in the past and hypothetical futures, if you become attached to it and allow yourself to be trapped by its subtleties, you will fall back into your shadow.
Through Shadow Work, we will constantly observe and watch the mind and its processes, identifying the patterns and triggers that activate our shadow, thus, with the light of understanding, the initiate will be able to transcend his or her own shadow.
Nature knows neither good nor evil, for both are enclosed within the other. Recognizing this truth, this paradox will be the way to reveal your true self without limitations.
To be your true self is the greatest satisfaction, however, to reach this state of acceptance, you must transcend the morality of society, for what is right and wrong will be something that will occur within you. Living your truth will not be to the liking of others and even more so when practically no one is allowed to be oneself.
You must learn to listen and follow your inner truth instead of following the "truths" of others. This will go against the opinions of others, but only another person who has walked their own path of authenticity will be able to understand and accept you.
The conditioning that society has placed on everyone, acts against the inner truth of each being, acting as if it were a shackle. This attachment to the programs implanted in our mind will create an internal resistance for change to take place.
You must be very alert to detect when it is your own programmed mind that is acting against you, creating resistance to change.
Remember that your truth is only yours, existence made you unique and unrepeatable, you must learn to know yourself, to explore and observe yourself.
The only way to allow yourself to be your true self is to love and accept yourself, to allow yourself to be yourself. Something that has been deprived to practically every child on the planet who has been raised in civilization.
The path to the awakening of the self goes through a phase of inner rebellion against the invisible shackles that the system and education have placed on you.
You have been educated to repress yourself, so you must learn to allow yourself to be truly you. Only then will you be able to observe the truth that is in you and understand it.
Final words:
You are a being of light come from the unmanifested world to the world of the manifested. You have lived countless lives, pursued millions of dreams and achieved thousands of goals. Your problem is that you are identified with the shadow and not with the truth.
Your mind and virtually everyone's mind has been polluted and hacked so that you create a concrete and limited projection of the reality that is in you and consequently that is in the outside world.
You live identified and attached to the problems with and situations of your false identity, your Ego.
That which you now call truth or believe to be you, is the true shadow. Hidden within what you call the shadow is the truth.
The Shadow Work is to bring you to the truth through the darkness, for it is in the darkness of what you have not been allowed to be and manifest, of the lost connection to the earth and the ancestors that have cut you off from the truth.
Darkness is part of creation, the sacred femininity, the hidden truth is found in it. This darkness is the connection to the unknown in you. For you are the doorway to the truth. You must first recognize the truth in you in order to see it in others.
That is why Shadow Work is a very individual work, which others can give you guidance but which can only be done by yourself. You must trust your inner compass, for there, in the darkness of your being, in the intuition and in the irrational, lies the truth.
The true self is too vast to be comprehended by the irrational mind. Reality, existence is a completely irrational phenomenon, it can never be understood by logic no matter how hard it tries.
The same is true of your being, it is something too great to be comprehended by its shadow on the material plane. The work of the shadows consists in progressively learning to listen and to let yourself be carried away by the being within you. It consists of learning to trust your inner truth, for this you must move from the mind to your heart. From your brain to your guts. From the artificial to the natural. From the Ego to the Soul, from the false to the Real…