You have been a lifelong slave to your mind, a mind poisoned with lies which projects a false version of reality. An invisible wall to prevent you from seeing the truth.

The truth has always been in front of you, you just haven't had the eyes to see it.


You are a prisoner of your own mind

The mind is not the capacity and instrument to think. When we speak of the mind, we refer to the false projection and definition that takes us away from ourselves. Ego is the

disease of the human being, it is just the opposite of your true self.

The ego is the deception created by society to keep you entertained, confused and not to ask questions about the truth. You were born with an authentic self, then they started to create a false one. They give you a name and around that name they create ambitions and conditioning. That ego has all kinds of desires and ambitions and always wants to be above everything and everyone else. This ego takes advantage of you and does not allow you to glimpse your authentic being, when your real life is precisely in authenticity. The Ego only produces sadness, suffering, conflict, frustration and all kinds of craziness.
If you are a seeker of truth, before you can grow, you must begin a process to discard everything that society has told you that you are.
Only you have access to your inner world, to your essential self, only you can discover who you really are. Except for yourself,

no one can penetrate the intimacy of your being. Everything that has always been said about you is false.
The only way to discover your true self is by destroying your false self, the ego.

In order to access the truth, you must recover the innocence taken from your childhood, that innocence will lead you to the peace, serenity and happiness innate in you.
Enlightenment is the culmination, the final conquest of the real being over the mind, the mind disappears, dies completely. The effort to prevent it from being enthroned again is over, it has returned to its place, silence has become permanent.

A sophisticated and subtle system of indoctrination has been enslaving humanity for thousands of years. The purpose, to hide the origin of our existence and turn us into docile, helpless and unconscious slaves.

The Ego: The shadow of the mind

The mind is the false creator, the false master. The Ego is the prison that the mind has created to deceive you, to make you believe that you are someone insignificant, to limit you and keep you away from the truth.

The Ego is the identification that exists between your being and your false identity.

Every child arrives in this reality without Ego, then he is taught a name, religion, culture, morality, to be civilized.... The day the child calls himself "I", he loses the reality of being and falls into the dark abyss of delirium. As soon as he begins to refer to himself as "I" a completely different energy than love begins to be at work.
The "I" lives in constant tension and anguish, seeking to grow and strengthen itself in order to feel superior to others. In this way it seeks to rise higher and higher in society and its hierarchies, because if someone has a higher "I" than yours it creates an inferiority complex. The Ego makes every effort to demonstrate that "I am superior to you". You dedicate your life to demonstrate something absurd and illusory.
The Ego is the origin of all the problems, conflicts, jealousies, fears and depression of the person. The Ego constantly feels like a failure, it always compares itself with others as if life were a competition and not a celebration.
The Ego does not stop trembling of pure fear because it knows very well that it is an artificial resource created by society so that you continue investing your vital energy in stupidities and in this way to continue being the slave that the system wants from you.

The mind, the Ego, can only exist in the illusion of the past or the future, never in the present moment. It keeps you always waiting for tomorrow, "when you succeed, you will be happy". The Ego always postpones, delays life and keeps you in constant suffering. The mind cannot feel joy in the present as it cannot exist in the present.
Both the past and the future lack existence, they are illusions and projections generated by the mind, dreams.
The Ego is an idea that we have of ourselves, that idea separates us from everything else. In the first moment of our childhood, when we say "mine", that is the beginning when the ego begins to form. If you erase the concepts: mine, yours, I, the Ego dissolves.
Your true self is a presence, a silent observer, a mysterious existence, that is your true reality.
But the mind always needs labels and definitions for when it is devoid of them, in mystery the mind is unable to exist.
The deeper you go into yourself, the more you will understand that people do not really exist, not even individuals. All beings are parts of a single universality.
The ego is nothing more than a false identity to move in society, and society is nothing more than a false creation of man. Society has nothing to do with the real, your identity is like a piece of clothing you put on to move in that society. The problem happens when you identify yourself with those clothes.

The Ego is the biggest lie that you have accepted as truth. It is the invisible prison that keeps you encaged defined and distant from the inner reality, your being and the outer reality, the truth.

The more conscious you are, the thinner the veil of lies and illusions that separates you from the truth.

As you penetrate the veil of illusion, the more courage will be necessary to accept the truth that clarity will allow you to see. A truth not suitable for cowards.

The naked truth is hard to accept, especially when the vast majority of human beings live asleep and enslaved. If you are not rooted in your center, it can lead to madness. That is why everyone avoids it. It is too much for a weak mind.

The Ego arises from the false identification with your body- mind. With your emotions, thoughts, concepts and information it has implanted in your mind. Ego is what

separates you from your own essence and reality. This whole existence is composed of a single force, energy and vibration. The Ego keeps you away from it, some masters called it Tao, others God, The Supreme, the words do not matter. What is really important is that you understand that you will never achieve a true and authentic life, full of joy as long as you live identified with the falseness of the Ego.

The Ego is the false personality that the mind has created, a mind that has never belonged to you because it has been conditioned, hacked by the system. This mind works like a computer, it classifies, analyzes, separates, organizes, compares... That is why it is impossible to perceive reality in its purity, if you live through the Ego, the mind will filter what it perceives and interpret it according to the patterns it has.

The mind has three fundamental mechanisms to trap you: images (dreams), words (thoughts) and feelings. All the true paths to awakening consist of dethroning the mind so that it becomes our servant and not the master.

The state of an awakened being is one in which the mind has ceased to function on its own and in which the soul, your being has revealed itself and had the vital experience of its existence. The more you live in the mind, the more distant you will be from reality, from both inner and outer existence.
Depending on how you see the world, the world will be, because the mind will interpret it in one way or another. It must be said that all minds function in almost the same way, but each one of them is unique, as are the experiences, sensations and information that have been accumulated and implanted in it. Therefore there is no single way to achieve awakening, each being is unique as is each mind, you must find the methods that best align with you and your mind.
First it is necessary to create an intellectual bridge, to give you information so that you begin to understand, the master must build a bridge so that you move from the circumference to the center. Finally that bridge must be destroyed, because if you do the necessary work and reach your awakening, all ideology, concepts, information accumulated in your mind will cease to be the basis, your consciousness will be.
For now, the trust in these words and how they resonate in you will be the only thing that will make you continue walking or continue your life as a sleeper.

Truth cannot be transferred. Only if you initiate yourself on the path to awakening will you have the possibility to see it for yourself. To see the truth of the outer world you must first find it within yourself.

"There is a difference between knowing the path and walking the path"


The mystic vision: The eyes of awakened being

A mystic is one who has become the master of the mind and then the truth has been revealed itself, because always is available. Only the mind and its filters, conditionings is the barrier between you and reality.

A mystic has “stopped being someone” the false identity. The Ego has been completely disolved. Now the inner being is free to fly.

A mystic is one who has recovered the lost innocence that was hidden by the system under layers and layers of lies, by the veil of deception. Then, the mystic will no longer fall back into unconsciousness, now he can only rise higher and higher. The husk of the seed has died and with it a tree will grow more and more. The mystic will remain conscious but his consciousness will be freed from any conditioning, he will be deeply connected with his center. Duality is transcended, all repression disappears to give way to an existence without choices or limitations.

A mystic does not trust in his mind, he trusts in the universal mind, in the Tao, the Source, the supreme one...

A mystic does not choose, he has nothing and yet he will find great peace, joy and silence in it.

The path of the mystic is mysterious, for a mystic does not choose, it is existence that chooses him, it flows with the flow of life. He is not a doer for he never decides, he just is, existence moves him.

The mystic has no preconceived ideas within himself, the mystic only sees through his vision, through his clarity, he simply knows in the present moment. The mystic has never been respected by society because he lives a life of rebellion. He will always be a constant headache for the sleeping, moral, fearful, enslaved and unhappy people.

Society lives in absolute hypocrisy, it does not tolerate the truth.

A mystic lives his truth at all times, he has abandoned all masks and falsehood, his very existence is truth.

The mystic lives in experience, he has abandoned all knowledge. Wisdom is the torch that illuminates his path and his being, his connection with the supreme consciousness, who directs his steps.

A mystic lives moment to moment, he has neither past nor future, he does not worry about what will happen in the next moment. He is total in every moment. The present moment is everything to him, for to have a future means to have a mind, for the mind can only exist in the past and the future.

All his energies are concentrated in the present moment, then that moment becomes luminous, divine, a great celebration.

To live absolutely in the present moment means to remain constantly in a state of "not-knowing", of "no-mind". The mystic never thinks he knows about life or about things, he always remains innocent, curious and full of wonder for life.

Being one with The Source: In harmony with existence

To attain your divinity means that you have trascended your personal desires for there is no longer any false personality in you. You are now one with the whole.


All human beings have the potential to manifest the invisible world in the material world. When you are connected and living through your higher consciousness, then desires are true, pure, serving something that is higher than you.

These desires are not ideas in your mind, they are not projections or fantasies, they are desires that go beyond all comprehension. Without having a clear idea of them, you know, a higher force pushes you to manifest them, you feel that your life no longer belongs to you, a higher force moves you and being connected and experiencing that connection, confidence is total and absolute. You are no longer alone, The Supreme, The Source, God, The Existence guides your steps, all division has disappeared.

This experience occurs in absolute inner solitude, paradoxically, you will never again feel alone even if you spend

moments without relating to other human beings. The whole will be within you, now everything that happens makes sense, it is part of a plan, of energies that transcend your comprehension.

True spirituality consists in embracing and understanding all the climates of our being, observing them and thus being able to learn from them. If we don't allow ourselves to express our true nature, we can never know who we really are. The role of the spiritual therapist also consists of supporting and giving confidence to the patient to be himself without limitations and in this way to make everything that is in the unconscious conscious. Understanding and cooperation in this process by the patient will be essential.

The lie that the system has made you believe that as an individual you are separate from existence.

When you transcend The Veil, then you become a manifester carried by The Source, that is why you have become someone "who does not choose", you have simply surrendered completely, you have accessed the divinity of your soul and it has connected to The Source of all existence, to the light. Your compassion will be total, for you will be destined to be misunderstood by those who are still sleeping and enslaved. They will judge you, categorize you, condemn you and eventually love you as well.

Your life will be completely unpredictable, in your consciousness you will observe and see how a force takes you from one "Rift" to another. It will be useless to plan your future because the future will vanish, you will only live in the eternal present with great joy and happiness. Your body-mind will continue to feel, but you will have transcended the attachment to it, just as when you look at the sky and there are stormy days, rainy days and sunny days, the sun never disappears, it is hidden. When you access your divinity you are no longer "looking from the earth", you are from the side where the sun always shines. Wherever you are, whatever you do, you will know that the Source is with you, this truth is what the ancient mystics said in "being in God".

Your love will have become compassion, it will be pure, a giving without asking for anything in return, simply a joy. Sometimes coming out of your compassion, you will have to be hard on others who have not yet awakened, many will

misunderstand, those who have begun to understand, it will be a gift, for the stronger the armor of those around you, the harder sometimes you will have to hit them. At other times, you will do it with extreme subtlety and delicacy, because everyone needs different types of situations and devices to be able to open their eyes, even if only for a moment.

There is no greater treasure and satisfaction than to live a real life, the life of your higher self and its blossoming. Risk it all, have courage, don't waste your life on stupid and insignificant things, nor on passing pleasures that trap and numb you.

In this era in which we find ourselves, awakening has become much more difficult than in ancient times, in those times people were more simple and innocent, less burdened with so many layers of false knowledge and conditioning.

All that is expressed in this manuscript is my truth, my intention, to seduce you to awaken a call within you, a call to seek the truth that is hidden in your soul.

The truth surpasses the fiction that the system has implemented in the minds of humanity, using fragments of truths in order to make it more inaccessible.

The awakening of consciousness will allow you to see, you will not know all the details, but you will be able to see through the lies and thus find the nuggets of truth that are in some of them.

The destiny of your soul and of humanity is in your hands, only if your essential being is revealed, will you live an authentic life, an authentic adventure walking the mysterious in eternity, beyond time and space.

Final words:

In past ages of existence, humanity lived in a state of awakening, aware of its great origin and in its full faculties. One was where "magic" was not this science and technology that breaks the laws of nature to create the impossible.

In other times, human beings, in their esplendor and divinity, we were capable of things now unimaginable, without the need for technology. We lived in harmony and in the vibration of love, but something happened, "we ate the apple of knowledge" and then "we were expelled from paradise", from our divinity, from our truth, and locked up in an invisible prison, by a veil of darkness that took us to a state of sleep and unconsciousness.

Eating the fruit of knowledge is a parable to explain our fall, when humanity was completely indoctrinated, hypnotized.

Our minds were hacked with lies, beliefs, moralities, and a false construction of reality. The human being was transformed from a divine and harmonious being into a cancer for himself and for nature. Displaced from our truth, this lie has been maintained for millennia, progressively adapting and adapting to changes by the continuum.

Your mind does not belong to you, in its origin, in its purity, this is a great instrument to achieve great things, to create and

manifest in this reality. Instead, its function has been reversed, the mind has become the master of your life, a mind hacked to make you a slave, this mind being the prison of your soul instead of its servant.

The human being has gradually become a robot, governed by an artificial intelligence corrupted by a virus composed of lies and more lies. Encapsulating and reducing us to a simple herd incapable of being master of their own destiny.

A war for consciousness and truth has been carried out for millennia, now we find ourselves at a crossroads, we have the possibility of living a true reality, aware of our souls, of our origin and responsible and owners of our lives.

The Awakening is our responsibility, otherwise, we will continue to live eternally as slaves, life after life without being able to grow, stuck in this distorted reality.

These words of truth will be taken as science fiction by many, by the unaware masses. For these, their time has not yet come. There is a small chance that something deep inside of you tells you that this seemingly irrational and fictitious message is the truth, then it means that your time has come.

Your moment to initiate on the path to your awakening. I am not speaking only for myself, there are already many of us who have realized the lies and revealed our true selves, and many more will come. It is in your hands to take the reins of the wheel of eternity that has been stolen from you. That is why the ancient enlightened masters said "risk everything for your consciousness", because your awakening will not only transmute and impact your life, but also the next lives that will come. There is nothing more valuable than the truth, it is up to you to live a false life as a sleeper, or a true life as an awakened one.
Avoid any belief, because false beliefs are one of the main causes of the dream in which humanity has been imprisoned. May the state of pure alertness, observation and awareness lead you to understanding. One day you will understand the truth and importance of the words transmitted here. For now, I ask you not to believe me, because this truth does not belong to you yet, when the truth is transmitted it is lost, because until this is not your own experience and understanding it will be a belief. I invite you to take it as a "perhaps", and that by yourself you can become true, then it will be truly yours and no belief will be necessary. Your awakening of consciousness will allow you to see reality for yourself with perfect clarity. Then all the doubts will vanish along with the mind and it will return to its corresponding place, to serve you to manifest your truth in this reality.

Your true self, your soul, leads lives and lives leading a false existence, imprisoned in an invisible prison in the mind. Breaking this vicious circle is your responsibility, no one can do it for you. There is no single path because each being is completely different and unrepeatable. Only awareness, understanding and determination can guide you on this unmapped path.

Do you seek the truth?

Make it yours.


A mystic in the 21st Century

The Master Key: The transcendence of the mind


The right use of Psilocybin for spiritual therapy