What is Love? The Food for the Soul
This true being is made of pure love, this is the only vibration and quality of energy that it knows. The Ego is the barrier between you and love's vibration
There are very few people in the world who know real love. Only those people who, in their silence and inner calm, in the depths of their being, have come into contact with their soul, their essence, their true being…
Once you get in touch with your soul, this love, this energy transforms you, an aura that surrounds you.
There is only one love, but the love that is ordinarily understood is not love, it is a false love. It is important that you understand.
The false love of society is greed decorated with pretty words. This common and false love is almost sickly, like a kind of malaise. This false love only fattens your Ego, your false personality, since only the false can feed the false. False love is born of greed, it is possessive, jealous, fearful and destructive. The moment there is attachment, possession, love becomes destructive and ugly. It becomes a prison.
Very probably you have had very little true love in your life, so the type of false love that you have learned, that you have been taught, is a prison that destroys freedom.
Your parents weren't truly loved either, because for someone to truly love, they must first accept themselves completely. Humanity has been in a vicious circle created by civilization for centuries. Well, in order to love others, one must first love oneself and only with the complete acceptance of your being, of your true nature, is it possible for true love to flow. You can't share what you don't have, and if you have never been allowed to be yourself, to love yourself for who you are, to accept yourself as you are, then love is not possible. Just a fake version that pretends to be love but has nothing to do with it, in reality society's love is the complete opposite of true love.
Fake love is a demand, it only knows how to ask and demand. False love is born of expectations, interested in that will always make you feel frustrated.
Fake love is just another name for dependency. False love always shows a lot of concern, is always worried. True love knows compassion but not concern.
Whatever you think you are, you will be. Thought can be used to expand your being or to limit it. False religions, civilization and the society created through it, have limited the spiritual and psychic growth of humanity in order to make it a slave and keep it away from its true potential and origin. Little by little, the "pagan" cultures have been disappearing as well as most of the small groups that lived in a more connected and harmonious way with life.
The "western" machinery has been devouring everything in its path and turning the remnants of the cultures and peoples it has destroyed into new slaves of civilization. Through this "normalization" it has killed the uniqueness and wisdom that other peoples have been protecting for hundreds and thousands of years.
Over the course of time, the human being has been reduced to a robotic existence, using only the logical side of his mind and completely burying his other innate capabilities.
Over the course of time, the human being has been reduced to a robotic existence, using only the logical side of his mind and completely burying his other innate capabilities.
The real expression of authentic Love: Freedom
Authentic love is sharing, it does not know asking, it knows only the joy of giving.
True love is your whole being, your soul. Love gives freedom, it is freedom, the freedom to be and accept yourself as you are. If you have not known true freedom you cannot know love either. True love is very independent.
Authentic love is the food of the soul, of the true being. Without material, visible food, the body is weak, just as food is weak for the body and love is weak for the soul.
Becoming a servant of authentic love means flowing in the vibration of love in its purest state, that is what it really means to be a truly religious person.
Give and share what you have, share and enjoy the fact of sharing, without being a duty, an obligation or in an interested way.
True love never pleases the other, it is the opposite, when someone receives your love it is you who feels pleased.
You will be so overflowing with that energy called love that an overwhelming need to share it will be born in you.
Love yourself and observe, love prepares the ground, it is the possibility of knowing oneself. Love your whole body, your vessel in this reality, your whole structure and organism.
Loving means accepting it as it is, don't try to repress it. We only repress something when we hate it, when we are against it.
Love is truth, your divinity:
Love is light, a creative and harmonious light and energy. All existence is made of invisible energy that we can call existence, God, Tao, The Source...
Once your soul is overflowing with this energy called love, then you will discover the truth, for love will give you the first glimpse of eternity, of immortality. Love is the only experience that transcends time and space, love knows no death.
If you are not able to discover, accept. and worship the existence that is in you, you will be unable to see the existence and truth that is in others.
You can only become one with the whole if you have great respect for the true being in you.
Existence, God, The Tao...has created a certain destiny, a certain potential, a certain glory, then the blossoming of your being will occur, your true being will be able to express itself with all its potential in this existence.
However, the system has never allowed the authenticity and truth that is in you or anyone else to be respected and flourish. That is why all people are so critical and judgmental, there is something in their unconscious that makes them angry, since practically none of them is being what they really are, they lead false lives and no matter how many things they accumulate, they will always remain miserable, a misery that will increase more and more, because their false hopes that the material brings happiness will be frustrated.
By loving and accepting yourself completely, you will destroy much of the things that society has imposed on you.
Connect with the Mystic Vision: What Love is
If you are able to listen relaxed, without analysis or judgment, knowledge will penetrate you, your being knows how to recognize the truth.
Love is the door for the beginning not the end
Love is an energy, a bridge between your most earthly part and your most divine essence.
For the awakening of the true being to take place, you must start from the point where you are.
Do what is necessary to purify your heart and calm your mind so that this can happen. However, you must understand that love is not the end and that from love there is the possibility that you will fall back down. Some spiritual paths upon awakening, such as Yoga, locate love in the Heart Chakra, Anahata. Above this point of vibration of your energy and your being, only complete awareness, alertness and witnessing can take you to higher planes. Only when you are able to flow in a state of no-mind 24 hours a day will the miracle happen, the true awakening, when your divinity is unleashed and revealed.
This is a fact that you must understand so that you avoid deluding yourself and having "wrong enlightenment" as Buddha would indicate.
Vibrating in the energy of love tells you that you are on the right path, you must be alert not to confuse love with passion, as they are very different energies and states. Beyond love there is compassion, that is the closest vibration to being true, because it transcends the attachments of matter and mind.
The existence is mainly divided into three layers to make your compression simple and clear.
Main three Layers of Existence: Matter, Mind, Spirit.
The mystical meaning of the Trinity in multiple religions consists of the integration of these three planes in your existence.
1. Matter: The "physical" realm in which the body is its principal act. Passion, sex belong to this realm. The "seen" world.
2. Mind: The realm in which the mind belongs. Love is born from this realm, love and mind are both a bridge between the lowest and the highest. The psychological world.
3. Spirit: The realm of the invisible, pure energy, this is where the supreme energy exists, the source and your soul is the connection with said force. This is where your divinity resides. This is the space of the no-mind, in which body and mind are transcended and thus be able to connect with the divine. Your immortality awaits on this plane of existence.Yes, it is true that there are some beings with more predisposition and aptitude in some centers than others. The spiritual teacher will be indispensable when it comes to perceiving the unique elements of each seeker and in this way applying some methods or others individually. The path to awakening is different for each seeker, since each seeker of truth has a different soul, mind and body. There cannot be an equal process and cure for all.All of your doing is a scape to face yourself. Doing comes out from the mind, being comes out from your soul. Mind is a great liar, be aware of the tricks of the mind.
Observe everything, always:
Your mind never allows you to see what exists, it only lets you see what it wants to see. Clarity means being in a state of no-mind so that it no longer interferes with reality and you can see things as they are, without filters.
The mind is something created by society, it is an agent of the system within you.
This mind hacked and distorted by conditioning is not at your service, it conspires against you. Society has implanted many programs in your mind to prevent your awakening, your freedom, your rebellion and self-revelation.
Right now, your body is awake but your true self is asleep.
Only by observing and witnessing what happens in you and around you will you be able to see the programs and barriers that limit you.
By loving and observing yourself you will discover that existence has chosen you to be its instrument.
There is no greater happiness and glory than discovering your true destiny.
Be completely selfish:
This is the first step to connect with everything and be in harmony with your purpose. First you must be aligned in your center.
Always seek your personal happiness, do not fulfill anything out of duty or obligation, do not sacrifice yourself, always seek personal joy, whatever makes you feel happy and joyful in doing so.
The more you seek your happiness, the more you will help others to be happy, because we are all one. If you really want to be happy, you will end up helping others around you to be happy.
There will come a time when you will be so full of happiness that you will have no choice but to share it, like a container that can no longer contain more.
Create an atmosphere of happiness around you, if everyone else is unhappy, their misfortune will affect you. Misfortune is a vibrational state of energy as contagious as any disease, joy is too.
If you really want to be healthy, you will not be able to live around sick people because only in a healthy environment and space can you be too.
Happiness must start with you, only then can you share what you have won first.
When a person lives in unhappiness, he has the need to destroy since unhappiness is destructive. Happiness is constructive.
Love is the only thing that frees you from attachment. When you love everything you feel no attachment to anything in particular.When a being truly awakens, he obtains the vision and certainty of his eternal existence throughout the continuum. His life is completely transformed, the dream of being an ordinary being vanishes to make space for his divinity.
Love is a transforming fire:
Love is painful because it leads to happiness, because it transforms and every mutation is painful at first and then gives you happiness.
Each transformation is going to be painful because the old is going to be replaced by the new. The old is familiar, safe and comfortable. The new is something completely unknown.
The old is repetitive, boring, with the old the mind feels comfortable because this is a mechanical device.
With the new the mind is completely useless, only your alertness and awareness will help you adapt, learn and grow.
The mind is always average, it will always seek the security of the known and avoid the unknown.
The transformation is going to take place from the Ego to a Non-Ego state, the agony will be really intense at first.
You cannot experience ecstasy without experiencing agony. To purify gold you have to burn and melt it first.
It is absolutely necessary that you open up and trust love, you will only be aware of your totality when you are provoked by the presence of love. It is very painful to get rid of the Ego because we have been taught to cultivate it instead of transcending and understanding it.
When love knocks at the door, all you have to do is leave the Ego aside and have the courage to enter the dimension of love. The ego is a fallacy, however society, the system exists thanks to this lie. The system is based on each presence, each soul being a person instead of a presence.
The reality is that there is no person, there are only presences, souls having experiences in a reality conceived for the expansion of consciousness.
Final words:
This great universe is a great university for consciousness.
You do not exist as Ego, you do not exist separated from everything, you are part of a supreme consciousness, of the Tao, of God, of The Source.
Love is a ladder, it begins with your essential being, then with another presence, your loved one, to end in totality.
Love is the beginning, existence is the end.
To fear love and its transformation means to remain imprisoned, stagnant, without growth.
Modern people live in a dark cell, they are narcissists, narcissism is the biggest obsession of modern man. Narcissism is vanity, pride, comparison, envy, division, feeds the Ego Love dissolves it.
All humanity suffers from neurosis and that neurosis is nothing more than the narcissistic stagnation of the Ego, the disconnection with love and The Source.
When one lives attached to the illusion of having an Ego separate and isolated from existence, then that disconnection drives us crazy.
Like the animals in the Zoo, people become insane by being disconnected from their nature, this mental prison, this veil of lies leads everyone to a neurosis.
Only when you accept and know yourself in complete freedom, will you be able to truly love. Then you will share the quality of true love in others
That is why it is now necessary for human beings who are walking the path to luminous awakening to use all the means at their disposal. Being the psychic powers more necessary than ever, even with the constant danger that their misuse can corrupt them. It is a risk that we must take to "balance the scales" and thus bring light to this reality.
The practice of meditation techniques as well as an adequate level of alertness along with the use of psilocybin, can help you create the situation so that you can connect with your true self. That is the meaning of really knowing yourself, only then will you feel the ecstasy of knowing that your life is really expressing itself in a true way, then the realization of the being is possible.
Only when you know who you really are, only when you can see the truth naked and pure, without the filters of the Ego, then you can truly flourish.