When you connect with your essential being, when you have been able to detach yourself from your mind-body, then the flame of your consciousness begins to burn with less and less smoke and confusion.

At that moment, the connection with the true center of your being begins to flow and little by little you will rise beyond the limitations of the Ego.


Only when the realization occurs in you that the mind in which you are bound is not your true self, the journey can really start.

The Tower of Awareness is the place within you beyond the noise of the mind. It is the space where silence reigns: without desires, without thoughts, without emotions, without past or future...

Reaching the Tower of Awareness means that you have been able to go beyond your mind, beyond the observer... It means that you have connected with the state of witnessing which even witnesses the observation itself.

In most cases, reaching the Tower of Awareness is a gradual process of expanding awareness by constantly sustaining the state of alertness and witnessing.

In order to reach this state, in order to ignite and increase the flame of your awareness, the initiate must practice the methods of meditation that he or she has found alien to his or her being.

In the Tower of Awareness, you observe the experience of living as if it were a drama and comedy, detached in first-person experimentation.

That means that it doesn't matter what happens around you, nor the different situations that your body-mind vehicle will experience.

You have elevated yourself to a place beyond the "character", you are witnessing the experience beyond the experiencer.

To connect with the true observer is to connect with your soul, with its true self, with the immortal being that has already lived multiple lives. It means that you have transcended the lower passions to which the Ego is always attached.

The "middle path" is not walked through the valley, in the Ego, you must rise higher and higher until you reach The Tower of your consciousness.

Only when you have transcended the duality in which the mind perceives existence, will you be able to observe the vital experience from non-duality.

To have reached the Tower of your consciousness means that you have realized that the body and mind in which you are bound are not really you. You have transcended the character, you have realized that you are actually the player.

Only when the disidentification with your body-mind and the personality that has formed in them has been transcended, will you be able to reach the higher state of awakening.

Awakening means that you have moved from the periphery of the circle, the mind and its projection, the Ego, to the center of the circle, the true self.

Awakening means that you have destroyed by disidentifying yourself from all the garbage and lies that the educational system and civilization have put in the mind in which your existential vehicle, the body, is composed.

The awakening of consciousness occurs when you let die the seed in which you were imprisoned, the mind, to be reborn and realize the destiny that existence always wanted in you.

True awareness occurs when the observer is also observed.


In the first phase of awareness development, the mind will be observing itself.

The mind is always divided at least in two. Hence the duality. To live through the experience of division, through the Ego means to experience life always at the extremes of opposites.

Some moments you will feel happy, others you will feel sad. At times you will feel healthy and at other times you will feel sick. Sometimes you will love and sometimes you will hate....

Living in duality means experiencing life sometimes from Hell and sometimes from Heaven.

Living in duality means that internally you have not reached unity. When you make a decision you will always doubt, because one part of the mind agreed and another part will always remain against what you do.

To transcend duality, you must find The Master Key that will open the door to the Tower of your awareness, the place where you find your center, your true self.

The Tower of your Consciousness occurs when you have first been able to realize that you are not the mind and through work and wakefulness, remain mostly in a crystallized state of Awareness, in a place beyond the valleys of the mind.

Once you have obtained The Master Key and thus penetrated The Tower of your Consciousness, you may eventually fall back and again become temporarily attached to the mind and its persuasions. However, it will be very difficult to return to the absolute dream state in which you have been living before the awakening began.

Only absolute and unconscious stupidity can make you fall back into the valley of the mind.

Transcending duality means connecting with the observer beyond the ordinary watcher

True awakening only occurs when deep inside you realize that the person you thought you were is just an illusion.

Fears, preferences, aversions, memories...everything you thought identified you was simply a projection of the mind.

To live in the state of dream, of unconsciousness, is to live locked in the illusion that the mind creates of yourself.

Personality is "the suit, the illusion" that the mind projects and creates. The dream state is to identify yourself and remain locked in that identification.

The system, society, education have always conditioned you to focus your attention on the outside world. In this way it is practically impossible for you to awaken, because the path to awakening is a path to the inner world that you have always had abandoned.

A tree cannot grow in height beyond the depth of its roots. The same happens to you, unless you grow internally, it will be impossible to grow externally.

To grow outwardly does not mean to achieve fame, possessions or accomplishments, it means to be able to manifest what is truly within you.

Meditation techniques are a gateway to help you access your inner self, your inner world. Further, you will need to sustain the meditative state beyond the spaces you use to actively meditate.

Guided meditations to connect with your inner being

Connecting with the Tower of Awareness is hard work, as you must remain alert at all times. To help you along the way, I have created a series of guided meditations. If you surrender your mind and let yourself be carried by the meditation, there is a chance that you will connect with your true self.


The mind will always try to persuade you to distract you

The awakening of your consciousness depends on you being able to detach yourself from the mind in which you are bound. Only then will the door to the true path opens.


The mind is a great deceiver, it will do everything possible to stay on the throne. Its defeat will be your victory. Never forget that.

To start on the path to awakening, one must be absolutely frustrated with the outside world and your own mind. Only when you are completely fed up, frustrated and have abandoned all hope in the outer world and its sensations, will you be truly ready to begin the path to your inner world.

That absolute frustration is an indispensable component, for sooner or later, the mind will return to projecting dreams, desires, achievements and goals to be reached. The mind will do anything to continue to keep you as its slave, unless something deep inside you is tired and frustrated in listening to the mind, it will go back to its own.

The process of moving away from the mind, of starting to walk towards the Tower of your consciousness, is a painful process, because until you have a certain level of alertness, it will seem to you that you are fighting with yourself. Part of you will want to go inward, another part of you will be seduced to abandon any attempt to expand consciousness.

The beginning in the awakening process, the inner Rebellion, is the situation in which the initiate finds himself when duality is still strong in the mind.

If you are brave and patient enough, if you prevent the mind from seducing you with new "worldy things", you will realize that the mind is no longer so close to you. You will be able to detect its attempts to distract and seduce you into abandoning all hope upon awakening.

It is important to note that many people fall back into the tentacles of the Ego when initiating spiritual paths.

The ambition of the Ego disguises itself as spirituality, as a way to feel superior and "more spiritual than others".

The Ego dressed up as spirituality is the most dangerous of all, because if you fall into its tentacles, it will be even more difficult for you to disidentify yourself with a mind full of knowledge, scriptures and spiritual practices.

In these situations, the Ego, the Wolf, dresses in sheep's clothing. You must be very vigilant not to fall into the Ego's trap. There are no more miserable beings than those who have fallen under the influence of an Ego dressed in spirituality. Be on your guard

The four elements are the primordial energy that make up your Avatar.

The true awakening of the spirit will only occur if there is understanding and harmonization of the elements within you.

Transcending the mind means transcending the body as well. Body and mind are one, even if they have different centers. That is why most people are completely divided because their mind is fragmented with multiple personalities inside. Their heart and emotions want to express themselves in another direction and the body and its primary impulses go in another direction.

Becoming a unit and the Master means that you have harmonized and united all the centers of your being. Only then the awakening can happen, only when your consciousness becomes the master of the elements. Then the fifth element, the Spirit begins to manifest in this reality. The realization of the higher self can only happen if you have gone through this purification process. The philosopher's stone is the result of going through this process correctly and successfully.

1. Air (Mind): The air element corresponds to the mind and its creative capacity. It also corresponds to the potential that the mind in the body to which you are living this experience has. Each mind is unique, its capacities and potentials are also unique. There are beings living their experience in mind with more power than others, at the same time, the awakening of consciousness becomes more difficult because to truly awaken you must overcome the mind with which you are linked. If this is more powerful than others, you will have a potential ability to manifest and at the same time more difficulty in overcoming the mind.

2. Fire (Energy): The Fire Element corresponds to your innate level of energy. Passion is a low expression of this element which can be released from thoughts (Air) or emotions (Water).

A being in a body with a high Fire index means that the Avatar he is connected to possesses large reserves of energy.

Knowing oneself means knowing and understanding what kind of body-mind (Avatar) you are linked to. If your body has a lot of energy available, you will have to find ways to manifest and express it, otherwise, the internal energy without moving, will create blockages and can become a poison. Know your potential in Fuego well and in this way you will be able to better manage your reservations.

3. Water (Heart): The water element is linked to emotions, with the heart being its center. Water also indicates the degree of emotional sensitivity that your Avatar is capable of perceiving and experiencing. A person with a high value in water will allow you to experience very extreme situations unless duality is transcended.

In moments of "happiness", he will feel very happy and in moments of sadness "extremely sad". For an Avatar with a lot of water, he must be careful to avoid melodramatics, for an Avatar with little water, he must be careful not to be indifferent to the emotions of others. Every element has a positive and negative polarity.

4. Earth (Body) : The earth element belongs to the body, it has its center in the stomach, just inside the navel.

The body has its own primal will. The senses in their physical expression are the "sensors" by which the Avatar moves in the "physical world". Just like the mind, the body also has memory. Pain, wounds and more physical attachments are related to the earth element. The sexual impulse also, this is a program that the body possesses to reproduce itself. The awakening of consciousness occurs when the body and its limitations and attachments are also transcended.

5. Spirit, The Fifth Element:

The mind, the air element, is the bridge that unites the body and the spirit.

The spirit is the element of the invisible world, of the invisible energy. In ancient hermetic traditions, this realm is named Akasha. In order to connect to the Akasha, you must first conquer the rest of the elements. The body is the door to awakening, from there, it will allow you to go to the inner world, you must be alert because the body has been attached to the outside world and its passions for too long.

The beings that are truly connected with the Akasha, have managed to awaken some abilities of the subtle world, also called "Psychic or Extrasensory Powers".

In the subtle world, in the Akasha, the senses found in the physical body also have a subtle manifestation.

The sense of sight, reaching the connection with the Akasha, can awaken the capacity of Remote Vision, and thus, be able to perceive things beyond the limitations of the senses, even beyond space and time.

Reaching the connection with the spirit, with the Akasha, means that you have gone beyond your ordinary human condition. You have transcended the limitations of the manifested world to access the supreme knowledge of the invisible, unmanifested world, the Akasha, the Supreme consciousness.


Preparation is the most important stage, it is the beginning of the awakening of consciousness.

In this Mystic Talk you will find tips and advice to understand the importance of preparation


What you think you are, the personality, is the limited creation of the mind in which you are imprisoned.

Your true self is composed of pure energy, it has no name, no possessions, no beliefs. It is absolutely free and pure.


Being attached to your personality means that you are attached to your Ego and its projection.

The personality is a creation of the mind, the Ego is the phenomenon that happens when the Spirit identifies with his Avatar, when the "player" believes that he is "his character".

The process of detachment from the personality and the mind that creates it is painful, just like a worm transforms into a butterfly, you must leave behind your "shell" and thus allow the true self, the spirit to take control of the Avatar. instead of the opposite.

The situation in which you find yourself is not natural, because every spirit incarnates in an avatar in which the heart is the center of its being and the mind, completely pure of any contamination given by civilization and its conditioning.

There is a conspiracy that has been going on for millennia to make the human being an increasingly sophisticated slave, a manipulation of our condition created in an extremely subtle and sustained way over time.

This condition in which every human being finds himself makes the process of awakening consciousness more complex. Well, in order to grow spiritually and thus connect with your higher self and for this to be the master, you must first return to the natural situation in which you arrived at this reality.

That means, heal the emotional, mental and physical wounds, harmonize all the centers that education and this madhouse called society have made in you.

The mind linked to the Avatar in which you are living this experience has been hacked by the system, overstimulating the logical aspect (reason) and stunting the intuitive aspect (irrational).

In addition, they have filled your mind with an artificial and false version of what life, reality and this existence is. Thus creating a Matrix in your mind that limits what is real from the unreal, what is possible from the impossible, what you are capable of achieving from what is not.

In short, they have contained the potential of your spirit in your mind, creating a mental prison. A mediocre and insignificant version of who you really are.

The problem is that you have believed it, the path to awakening is a path to unlearn all the falsehoods, lies, patterns and conditioning that have been placed on you. Only in this way will you be able to grow, you will be able to transform yourself into what you truly are, for this you will have to give up your personality, your Ego and the more you have invested and accumulated in it, the more difficult it will be for you.

The Tower of Awareness lies beyond the layers of your personality. In the absolute silence of being.:

A journey-into-your-soul-awakening

Only when you are able to begin to transcend your personality, only when this truth is not borrowed by anyone, only when it is an experience that occurs within you, can the true path begin.

Be alert, because if you have apparently started on a spiritual path to "improve", to be "better than others", you are simply living an "Egotrip", only disguised as spirituality. Stop deceiving yourself, self-deception is one of the most subtle and dangerous traps of the Ego.

The mind will always try to seduce you to listen to it, your spirit, the true being is linked to the mind. Everything that the mind thinks, you perceive it...

The only way to detach from the mind is to start utterly ignoring it, perceiving it as if it were a television program which is of no interest to you. for the expansion of consciousness.

The Tower of Awareness is a symbolic expression of the initiate who has managed to disidentify from the mind and is able to stay as long as possible in this meditative state of detachment, observation and witnessing. You will actually arrive at the Tower of Awareness at that moment when you are even witnessing the observer, for in the early stages, what you believe to be the observer is only the mind observing itself. This is one of the most subtle and difficult traps to overcome, the mind will trick you into thinking that you have already reached the true state of detachment. You must be very alert, even more so if you do not have any master or spiritual guider by your side. The self-deception produced by the mind is a dangerous obstacle to overcome, stay alert.

Final words:

Awakening from the sleep of the mind is the treasure of treasures. There is no greater ecstasy than being what you truly are.

At the same time, it is one of the most difficult achievements to achieve, especially due to the situation and environment in which you find yourself right now.

Civilization has become more sophisticated over time, making information and communication more accessible and, at the same time, creating more and more layers of deception and distractions to prevent you from starting the journey into your being.

The mind and its projection, the Ego, the personality, will do everything possible to prevent you from going inside yourself, because if you manage to reach The Tower of Awareness, it can mean death for the mind as the master of your being.

The mind will do everything possible to maintain its position as master, it is more cunning than you can imagine and will use a thousand and one tricks to confuse you, distract you and trap you again.

Unless you are lucky enough to be together with other beings who are walking the path of sincere awakening, you will have to do it completely alone.

This aloneness will be essential, at first it will have the negative quality, loneliness. You will miss the other people with whom you normally experienced a life in a dream state.

From the filter of the mind, the path to awakening will require a great sacrifice. You will have to give up many attachments that give energy to the Ego to continue to exist. Only by "drying it" him will you be able to overcome the grasp of the mind.

The only way to defeat the mind is by completely ignoring it.

Keep in mind that every act of will is carried out through the mind. So if you "try" to fight the mind, you will only be giving it more energy. One part of the mind will fight against another part that will resist. The only thing you will achieve is to confuse yourself even more while you will strengthen the mind.

That is why to defeat the mind, you must not give it more food and in this way its power will naturally decrease. Like a beast that you stop feeding, eventually it will die...

The awakened spiritual master of ancient times spoke of the moment when one is "reborn", this process of being born "twice" is a symbolic expression to refer to the fact that the mind dies and the higher self is truly born.

Right now, you are experiencing this reality through the lower self, the personality, the Ego projected by the mind.

Faith, confidence in walking on the path to awakening, must be the light that illuminates this road without maps.

The mind will assail you with a thousand doubts, do not listen to it.

This is what the mystics meant about the mystery, because you will be walking a path to a "place" hitherto impossible to imagine for you.

Living through the mind is like someone who has never opened his eyes and thinks he knows what light is.

It's like someone who has never really lived and thinks he is living... It's like thinking that being awake and actually leading millions of lifetimes in a state of deep sleep... enslaved and reduced...

Do you seek the truth?

Make it yours.


A mystic in the 21st Century


A Journey into your Soul: Discover the power of your imagination through hypnosis.


What is Love? The Food for the Soul